Immigration policies have a long and complicated history in the United States. From restrictions on who can enter to deportations of those who don’t meet the criteria set by the government. These policies have been frustrating for many people over the years.

But they also offer an interesting lesson in resilience; despite the odds stacked against them, immigrants continue to come to the US for a better life. In this article, we’ll explore the frustrating reality of immigration policies and how they can teach us a valuable lesson in resilience.

What are  Immigration Policies?

Immigration policies are laws and regulations that determine who can enter, stay in, and leave a country. They also dictate the services available to immigrants, including access to rights, education, employment opportunities, and health care.  

In the US, immigration policies have constantly been evolving since the earliest days of the country. Today, they are some of the most complicated and controversial laws in the nation. In recent years, the US government has become increasingly strict about its immigration regulations, resulting in restrictions that can make it difficult for immigrants to come legally.

However,  the US government has also taken steps to provide pathways for legal immigration. This includes creating special visas, granting temporary protections to certain groups, and offering other forms of relief.

Frustration with Immigration Policies

Despite the various pathways for legal immigration, many people still face daunting obstacles when obtaining a visa or gaining access to rights and services.

Difficulties in navigating regulations and restrictions

Immigration policies are often incredibly complicated, making them difficult to navigate. Many people are overwhelmed by the information they need to learn to understand their rights and obligations.

In addition, the US government has recently introduced new restrictions that limit who can enter the country. These include bans on people from certain countries, increased scrutiny of visa applications, and tougher rules for asylum seekers.

Uncertainty about access to rights and services

Immigration policies can also create uncertainty about access to rights and services. This can be especially true for undocumented immigrants, who are not eligible for many public benefits such as healthcare or education. This lack of access can make it difficult for them to live and work in the US without fear of deportation.

When it comes to legal immigrants, the situation can be just as challenging. Even if they have obtained a visa or other form of protection, they may find that their access to services is limited due to their status.

Inadequacy of available pathways for legal immigration 100 words

Finally, many people who want to come to the US legally find that the available pathways are inadequate. For example, family-based visas are often oversubscribed, making it difficult to obtain one in a timely manner.

Moreover, many of these programs require applicants to have a certain level of education or income to qualify. These criteria can make it even harder for those already facing economic hardship.

Resilience in the Face of Immigration Policies

Despite all these frustrations, immigrants continue to come to the US for a better life. This is a testament to their resilience and resourcefulness in finding ways to make it work despite the obstacles posed by immigration policies.

Building supportive networks

One way immigrants have found success is by building supportive networks. This can include friends and family who provide emotional support and community resources such as churches and legal services that help guide immigrants through applying for visas or gaining access to rights and services.

Finding creative solutions

Immigrants have also found creative solutions to the obstacles posed by immigration policies. This includes finding alternative pathways for legally entering the US, such as work visas or student visas, or taking advantage of temporary relief programs that allow them to stay in the country temporarily.

Developing strategies for taking action and advocating

Finally, immigrants have also worked to develop strategies for acting and advocating on their behalf. This includes using social media to draw attention to the issue, joining grassroots organizations that fight for immigrants’ rights, and working with government officials to push for policy changes.

In this way, immigrants have shown remarkable resilience in navigating these policies and finding ways to make their voices heard. This is a testament to their strength and determination in adversity.


Ultimately, immigration policies can teach us a lot about frustration and resilience. On the one hand, they are often an example of how slow-moving bureaucracy and resistance to change can be incredibly frustrating. On the other hand, they also demonstrate how resilient people can be in the face of adversity and push back against oppressive systems.

By understanding both aspects of immigration policies, we can better understand our reactions to frustration and resilience. With this knowledge, we may be able to use it to shape more positive outcomes in the future.

Neda Zaman Esq.

Immigration Attorney in Encino, Los Angeles

Services in English, Farsi, Arabic, Armenian, Turkish

Address: 16633 Ventura Blvd suite 510, Encino, CA 91436

Phone: +1(310)855-0992 | +1(818)290-3625
