
In contrast to George Bush’s policies, the Obama regime abandoned work raids for paper raids. Paper raids are audits to help ensure that immigrants working in the U.S. have legal paper works that are up to date. The administration also introduced DAPA (Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents) and DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) in 2012.  

Through these acts, more than725,000 young individuals by September 2016 were granted legal access to work and a temporary grant from getting deported. The November 2014 directive created the PEP (Priority Enforcement Program) initiative to hasten the extradition of migrants suspected of being a threat to U.S. security.  

DACA and DAPA may have helped more immigrants have a fair means of settling in the U.S. legally but was put on hold by the Supreme Court. Obama’s administration also introduced USCIS (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services) to decrease the application fee to become a citizen to $36 for people with an average income of $36,450 – $48,600 yearly for a four-member family. This fee relinquishment may help as much as 1 million people to become green card holder in the U.S. 

Trump’s administration reversed many policies put in place by former President Obama and created four new ones starting from 25th to January 27 2017. The policies are mainly for extending the nation’s border and interior security.  

There is also an enforced policy on cessation and travelling ban policy for expatriates and seven major Muslim countries. Several federal courts implemented these four policies in the U.S.  

Border Safety 

On January 25, President Trump requested the DHS to promptly complete the fence shared by both Mexico and the U.S. The CBP was also instructed to employ and send more than 5,000 Border Patrol agents, 500 air and marine agents to guard the border. There is also an arrangement that permitted the DHS to assign state and local executives to examine, capture and detain immigrants, which is against Obama’s policies on immigration and deportation.  

However, the policy was later reformed, focusing only on prison requirement model agreements due to the negative reactions, racial discrimination, negative economic impact. The DHS also approved the building of more confinements to accommodate captured migrants as many may be confined for several months. 

Neda Zaman Esq.
Immigration Attorney in Encino, Los Angeles
Services in English, Farsi, Arabic, Armenian, Turkish

Address: 16633 Ventura Blvd suite 510, Encino, CA 91436
Phone: +1(310)855-0992 | +1(818)290-3625